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CAP IIM Interview

CAP IIMs Interview

The Common Admission Process (CAP) is conducted for most of the New and Baby IIMs. The cutoff for this process hovers around the 95 %ile zones. With around 9 participating colleges, CAP provides a significant chance to get associated with the IIM Brand. Some of the top IIMs under CAP include IIM Ranchi, IIM Udaipur, IIM Trichy, etc. Any CAT aspirant must aim to appear for the CAP interview process.

The CAP consists of document verification followed by WAT and PI. In 2020 it was organized by IIM Ranchi.
Profile: CAT 97.87, Work-ex 2 Years, 10/12/Grad 95/92.6/81.96

CAP Details: Hotel Siddhartha, Rajendra Place, Feb 2020
WAT: “Should B-Schools cater to entrepreneurial aspirant or job-seeking aspirant?” (20 Min, 300 Words). The WAT process was fairly smooth.

Tip: Use a structured format to write essays, you can try using PESTEL or SWOT approach. Try to form coherent ideas, however, don’t spend much time thinking, the 20 min vanish swiftly when you are engrossed in your thoughts. A good hand-writing is an added bonus.

The personal interview at the CAP was generally on the grilling line here. The Profs were more inclined to become your antithesis, questioning and countering your arguments. Although each student had a unique experience, the general lines of the interview were a bit on the grilling side of the spectrum.

Questions: About yourself? Aims in life? Work-ex? What are your hobbies? Why MBA? Some cross-questions on hobbies? How would you react to the situation? We think you are a captive to the virtual world, how do you react? How many Lok Sabha and assembly seats in your state? Which bird is in the IIM Ranchi logo? Name 3 Bharat Ratan awardees from your state? Which IIM would you choose if given a choice?

Tips: There could be a lot of current affair questions you might not know, so maintain composure and accept you don’t know. Try not to waste too much time in accepting that you have limited knowledge of the subject. Try reading about your state and its specialties, famous people, current affairs, etc.


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