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IIFT Interview

Indian Institute of Foreign Trade Interview (FEB 2020)

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About: IIFT is one of the top B-Schools in the country and the only in profiles of Trade and International Business. The B-School is generally on the list of most aspired B-Schools in the country. The location at the heart of Delhi and its niche program makes it a much-aspired college. The admission to IIFT happens through a separate IIFT Entrance Exam.

The process at IIFT was organized at the IIFT Delhi campus.  The process is coordinated by the Profs. It starts with WAT followed by GD (with 18 people!) and then PI.

WAT Topic: “For the powerful crimes are what others commit” (20 min)

GD (2 Panelists, 18 students) Topic: “Will AI replace Humans?” The GD process was one of chaos as there were 18 participants. Trying to be heard in this chaos would be a major challenge for people who generally speak less. After disclosing the topic every student is given 2 min to form their opinions and 1 min to speak, then the floor is open for discussion. (Total time 18 min)

Tip: Form a structured and coherent argument before you start speaking. If you don't know much about the topic try starting with generalist ideas and form your ideas as you listen to other participants. You might also have to raise your voice to be heard but there is a difference between being loud to be heard and shouting.

Personal Interview:

The interview at IIFT revolved around current affairs and general HR questions. The Panelists try their best to accommodate you and hear your answers well. They give you enough space to steer the interview towards your strengths.
Questions: About yourself? Why MBA? Anything specific you prepared for this interview? What do you know about Budget 2020? What do you think about AI software? Where do you think AI will converge? What are the challenges with AI? What are your goals 5 years down?

Tips: Do read what you have written in the pre-interview form, your interview questions might revolve around that. Be well versed with the current affairs and also shape your opinion on the topics. Be confident and try to steer the interview towards the things you know and understand. If you are having trouble with a question, try taking some time to form your ideas.


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